You Count! The Importance of the 2020 Census

Wednesday, February 12th 2020 - Thursday, February 13th 2020
5:00 P.M.
All Ages

The importance of the Census can't be understated. From tax dollars to funding to representation in Congress, the Census is where it all begins.

You count! The Importance of the 2020 Census is a presentation that illustrates the significance of the Census - what it says about our country, and what it means to your local community. The Census, taken only once every ten years is mandated by our Constitution and impacts how tax dollars are to be spent, affecting politics and policy makers’ decisions. Ashley Herad, one of our state’s Census representatives, will be giving us a look at how this massive project will be conquered and what it means to each and every one of us. This program will take place Wednesday, February 12 beginning at 5 P.M. at Louisiana’s Old State Capitol.